UK Immigration NEWS! | ![]() |
01 March 2013
Today, the UK Border Agency is publishing a statement of intent, to help employers prepare for changes to the points-based system.
The statement announces changes to the codes of practice for skilled migrant workers from outside the European Economic Area. These will come into effect on 6 April 2013 and will also affect the timing of the applications for restricted certificates of sponsorship in March and April. The changes include:
Our current codes of practice use the Standard Occupational Classification 2000 system, so we are updating our skill lists and levels to reflect the new Standard Occupational Classification 2010 system.
The minimum appropriate rates for skilled workers in each occupation are being simplified and updated to reflect changes in pay for settled workers. In addition, the overall salary thresholds which apply across Tier 2 will be increased in April, in line with wage inflation.
The current lists of specific publications and websites where vacancies can be advertised will be replaced with a set of simple criteria for identifying suitable media. These new criteria will make the resident labour market test more flexible, giving employers more freedom to advertise where they think will be most successful, while ensuring settled workers have the opportunity to apply for jobs.
This follows a review of the codes of practice carried out by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) last year. The statement of intent sets out the government's response to the MAC's recommendations and how we will update the system to make it more user-friendly for both applicants and sponsors.
Immigration Minister Mark Harper laid a written ministerial statement proposing fee increases for visa applications made overseas, and applications made in the UK.
The proposals laid in Parliament today and on 14 March, subject to Parliamentary approval, will take effect from 6 April 2013.
For more details you may click here.
British Prime Minister (Mr.) David Cameron, announced details of a super priority visa service which will allow frequent travellers from India to have their visas processed in just one day, Cameron told India Inc at Hotel Taj, the country's hospitality icon.....
A written ministerial statement setting out the changes to the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) route has been laid in Parliament.
A number of changes to the Immigration Rules come into effect today (13 December 2012). These changes will affect non-European Economic Area nationals applying to enter or remain in the UK.
The changes include:
Further information, including the Statements of Changes to the Immigration rules (HC 760 and HC820), and the Explanatory Memorandum, kindly send us your query at
Under the new rule, if one has limited leave to enter or remain in UK and wish to extend visa, they must apply within 28 days of current visa expiring
The United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) has brought out a new application for student visa under the point-based system (PBS) route. Under this route, applications can be made by students who are already at UK.
New application forms under PBS have been offered for categories including exceptional talent, investor, graduate entrepreneur, tier 2, entrepreneur, tier 1 (general), child and temporary worker.
PBS route is a means of getting entry to the UK for the non-European nationals. An individual must score a particular score to be eligible for a UK visa under the different categories. Under the PBS route, points are awarded under the system for qualifications, future expected earnings, sponsorship. English language skills and available maintenance. This route is a method of regularising immigration from outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
As per the new norms applicable from October, the PBS dependant form has also been replaced with 2 separate forms. UKBA has introduced a new PBS Dependant form for Tier 1, 2 or 5 dependants and PBS Dependant form for Tier 4 dependants.
As per the Immigration Rules, the old forms for PBS category would be accepted up to and including 22 October 2012.
New rules for extending visa come into effect
The UKBA has said that new rules would apply for extending a visa under the points-based system, all working and student routes, visiting routes, long residency routes and discharged HM Forces and UK ancestry routes.
Under the new rule, if one has limited leave to enter or remain in the UK and wish to extend the visa, they must apply within 28 days of the current visa expiring. The application for further leave will be refused if an individual has overstayed his/her visa by more than 28 days when you apply.
"If you have no right to be in the country we expect you to leave voluntarily and we will enforce your return if you fail to do so. Where we need to enforce someone's return they may be subject to a ban on re-entering the UK."
UKBA has also announced minor changes to the Tier 1 Exceptional talent route. It includes widening the eligibility by allowing Tier 2 (General) migrants and sponsored researchers who are Tier 5 (Temporary worker) migrants to switch into the Exceptional Talent route while they are in the UK. Further, Botswana and Malaysia have joined the list of low-risk countries, whose nationals applying for a Tier 4 student visa benefit from a streamlined UK visa application process.
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The site where the homeless migrants had been living is now being secured to prevent further access.
Sixteen Indian illegal migrants have been arrested in a UK Border Agency-led enforcement operation targeting homeless migrants. The migrants had been living in squalid conditions underneath a motorway bridge in Heston, West London.
UK Border Agency officers were supported by the Metropolitan Police and the London Borough of Hounslow Council when they attended the site at about 6:00am yesterday, Wednesday 19 September.
The sixteen men were arrested for a variety of immigration offences and the UK Border Agency will seek to return them to India as soon as possible.
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A written ministerial statement has been laid in Parliament today outlining a number of changes to the Immigration Rules.
The changes amend the Immigration Rules further to the Supreme Court's judgment in the case of Alvi . They follow on from the earlier changes on 19 July 2012 in response to the same judgment, which required that requirements that were previously set out in Home Office guidance be incorporated into the Immigration Rules.
Some further amendments that are not related to the Supreme Court's judgment are also being made, including:
The UK Border Agency has revoked (withdrawn) London Metropolitan University's licence to sponsor students from outside the European Union.
The withdrawal of London Metropolitan University's licence means that it is removed from the register of licensed sponsors, and students from outside the European Union are no longer allowed to study at the university.
We understand that international students at London Metropolitan University may be concerned.
London Metropolitan University students who are already in the UK with a current, valid UK visa do not need to do anything immediately.
A government-led taskforce is being created, which will include the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Universities UK, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the UK Border Agency and the National Union of Students. This will work with London Metropolitan to support those affected and enable appropriately qualified genuine students to find another institution where they can continue their studies in the UK. The taskforce will start work immediately.
If an existing London Metropolitan University student with a current, valid visa is on holiday outside the UK, they can return to the UK.
New students who were planning to travel to the UK to start studying with London Metropolitan University should not travel.
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London: New immigration laws imposed by the British government forced frantic
British Pakistanis to hold last-minute weddings.
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The British High Commissioner, Mr James Bevan, today welcomed the establishment of new British Deputy High Commission offices in Hyderabad and Chandigarh.
In addition to the British High Commission in New Delhi, the UK already has four Deputy High Commissions elsewhere in India: in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. New DHC offices in these two vibrant cities will focus, like much of the rest of our network in India, on boosting trade and investment between the UK and India. That will help secure greater prosperity for all our citizens.
With only 100 days to go until the start of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we are urging anyone who wants to come to the UK to watch the Games to plan ahead and apply for their visa now.
We have published new guides - Coming to the UK to watch the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Information and advice on applying for a visa, knowing what to bring into the UK, reclaiming VAT, and knowing your rights and responsibilities whilst in the UK is available in the following languages:
For more information, kindly find attachment.
New rules will come into force within weeks to cut abuse of the student visa route and ensure that only the brightest and the best students can stay and work in the UK, Immigration Minister Damian Green announced today.
Immigration minister Damian Green has issued a written ministerial statement proposing an increase in visa fees, and an increase in UK-based visa application fees.
The proposals will be laid in Parliament in 2 separate regulations and, subject to Parliamentary approval, the government hopes to bring the new fees into force from 6 April 2012. Fees will increase by only 2 per cent in the majority of cases, but there will be higher increases on certain routes.
The changes being introduced from this date are:
From Monday 12 December 2011, visa applications under the points-based system and appointments at a visa application centre will need to be made online. From 12 December 2011, no application will be accepted under the points-based system completed manually.
You must apply online for applications under Tiers 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the points-based system. You can also, but are not required, apply online for a visa under categories outside the points-based system.
Click here to go to :- Visa4UK website.
After the first set of changes to be implemented in April 2011, the next set of changes for Tier 4 will be introduced on 4 July, 2011.
The changes being introduced from this date are:One of the changes taking place will see the UK Border Agency maintain a list of financial institutions that we consider do not provide satisfactory verification checks of financial statements submitted with Tier 4 applications. The agency plans to publish this list in the coming weeks. Once on the published list we will not accept financial statements in support of Tier 4 applications from these institutions. These changes will also apply to applications from Tier 4 dependants.
It is the applicant�s responsibility to check that the financial institution holding the funds the applicant relies on to score points under Tier 4 is not one from which the UK Border Agency will not accept financial documents. We advise all applicants to check the list of financial institutions in good time before making an application.
Once published, the list of financial institutions will be reviewed and updated regularly. The UK Border Agency will give 30 days notice of any proposed additions to or deletions from the list. Applications will be considered on the basis of the list in force at the time of application is made.
Ireland's Justice and Defence Minister Alan Shatter said that removing barriers to entry for nationals of the fourteen countries having British tourist visas, would help boost Ireland's ailing economy.
The fourteen countries included in this programme are India, China, Russia, Belarus, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.
Starting on 1 July 2011 and continuing until October 2012, a UK tourist visa will allow entry to Ireland for nationals of India and China, as well as for nationals of 12 other countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Glasgow Caledonian University has had its licence to sponsor overseas students suspended amid suspicions some attending a nursing course were working full time. It is the first time an established university has had its sponsorship licence suspended.
The university last night said the action was �disproportionate� and insisted students had voted it �top in Scotland for international student support�. Concerns were raised over a number of students from the Philippines who were attending a degree course in nursing.
Immigration officials suspected some were working full time in care homes or only showing up for one or two hours a month when the course required up to 15 hours a week. The Home Office has announced a major revamp of the student visa system across the UK following concerns it was being widely abused.
Phil Taylor, Regional Director of the UK Border Agency in Scotland and Northern Ireland said: "I can confirm that Glasgow Caledonian University's Tier 4 licence has been suspended following concerns about abuses of the immigration system.
Click HereGovernment's annual immigration cap for workers from outside the EU comes into force on Wednesday, Immigration Minister Damian Green said.
Only 20,700 skilled workers from outside the EU will be allowed to come to the UK this year, with 4,200 places available in April 2011, followed by 1,500 in each consecutive month, to cut net migration from 200,000 to the tens of thousands by 2015.
Mr Green said: "We have made clear that as the recovery continues, we need employers to look first to people who are out of work and who are already in this country.
New Student Visa Rules for TIER-4 were unveiled today, drastically aimed at cutting the number of foreign students, which London term as bogus & an abuse of student visa. Targeting colleges with a poor record OR abusing the student visa system to bring in bogus students, strict measures were introduced.
Applicants interested to apply under TIER 2 points based system in UK, can apply online, wef 20th of Dec. 2010, including dependants. Applicants have to complete the forms online and dedicated desks will be provided at the visa application centres of British High Commission.
For filing online applications, Click Here
Student Visitor Visa, wef 10 January 2011 will be available, & those who wish to attend English language schools in the UK for a period of up to six months. For those foreign students who wish to study other courses will have to apply for visa under TIER 4.
Tougher Immigration rules may cut the strenghth of foreign students in UK by over few hundred thousand, if views of Mrs. Theresa Mary are of any indication. But one thing is for sure, if these changes are put in effect, genuine students for education to degree OR higher level of courses will get a boost & those who are helping economic immigrants to enter on the pretext of student visas will definitely get a set back. These changes are going to help Britain to grow its economy and reduce the skilled worker shortages.
Targeting the fake schools/colleges, & sending the clear signal to human smugglers or to those misusing immigration laws, British immigration suspended licence of Manchester College of Higher Education and Media Technology. Syed Ahmed, a former barrister, has been jailed for 8. 5 years for his role in the scam at Thames College London.
For complete story click here.
With British Immigration determined for stopping fake marriages as a part of immigration reforms, a bride from Slovakia and groom from Afghanistan were arrested just at the beginning of marriage, clearly giving the signals of strict British attitude towards those abusing the immigration laws till date.
Under the advise of Migration Advising Committee, there is substantial changes that can be witnessed in the shortage occupation list of TIER-2. You can view the changes in the list.
For Latest TIER-2 List,
Being updated
The minimum level of English language course has been raised to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students will therefore need a higher level of English at a minimum level of B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to come and study an English language course in the UK. Exceptions apply to Government sponsored students and specific pre-sessional English courses.
If you are coming to study below degree level (excluding foundation degree students) you will only be able to work 10 hours a week, (this has been reduced from 20 hours).
If you are studying for a course under Tier 4 for less than six months, you will no longer be able to bring your dependents
Dependants of anyone studying a course lower than degree level (excluding those on foundation degree courses) will no longer be able to work (unless they qualify in their own right under Tier 1 (General) as a highly skilled migrant or as a skilled worker under Tier 2 General, sportsperson or minister of religion).
If you have submitted and paid for your application prior to 3 March 2010, you will be considered against the rules in force at the time.
Important information for all Tier 4 applicants !!!
We strongly recommend that you ensure your chosen institution is on the Tier 4 Sponsor Register at the time you submit your application. Applications made to attend institutions that have been suspended from the register will not be considered whilst the institution remains suspended.
If you have a visa letter that you got before your approved education provider's licence was suspended, and have already been granted permission to enter the United Kingdom, but you have not yet travelled, you are advised not to travel until your educational institution's status has been resolved. You are advised to check the sponsor's register before you travel in case your sponsor's status has changed, see the UK Border Agency website.
Visa letter replaced by Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies!!!
All applicants will need to record a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) reference number on their application form. It is important that this contains all of the mandatory information described in paragraph 87 of the Tier 4 Guidance. You should personally check that all of the required information has been completed by your education provider - otherwise your application will be refused!